My Services
Whether it is a small side yard project or container gardening or a full lawn removal or getting the right plant for the right spot, I can help you with your garden design. We will discuss what you like, what you dislike, your favorite colors, the design steps, and installation options. Or maybe you have questions about drip irrigation or native CA plants or how to grow monster tomatoes. That is great, call for a consultation.

If you are in need of a landscape plan for your yard to get your planting and paths going or you need a design to apply for your lawn removal rebate, Blue Hibiscus Designs can make you a design. In addition to paper plans, you will receive a 3-D video simulation of how your garden will look like when it is grown in. You will see your garden not just in your mind's eye, but right there on the computer..

If you need to know where to place your plants, where you should put your garden path or how you should prune your fruit trees or how to get started on your vegetable garden or container gardening, give Blue Hibiscus Gardens a call, and we can work on an hourly basis to solve your problems or to get you started.